A note about my daughter

I have binge watched Bridgerton so I feel like writing about my biological daughter in regency-era speak, a.k.a. prose.

Dearest reader,

My sweet darling of a daughter grows more empowered and emboldened everyday. Everyday her confidence swells to a new height and she attempts something that was previously too lofty for her highest tide; when I first received her, she would hide under my bed, too polite to be mischievous, and enter spaces as if she was a houseguest.

Now, she finds the courage to be cheeky and bite her poor mother, knowing there will be no retribution. She finds great mirth in what I believe she thinks is a game – up her stomach will go, skyward with no shame.

Inviting me to poke her stomach, she will catch my hand. Previously as her swell would only embolden polite licks to the owner of the appendage, she now takes delight in biting and holding my hand with her paws. I believe she enjoys it as she invites me to poke her stomach several times a day, purring away like a little motorboat on a calm harbour.

She allows no other to participate in such impropriety and jest with her.

Having escaped out her catio, which I call her outdoor jail yard, several times and returned to me, I still question her love to me. While her preferences for her favourite human and her affections for me are as plain as the stripes on her body, I find myself doubting our bond. When will she sit on my chest? When will she perch on my lap? She has laid next to me, and we should snuggle only twice in my memory; but she sleeps in my bed every night.

It has been only, and already eight months. I cannot buy her love but I whisper affirmations to her every night; she remains ignorant of my ramblings, but I hope my wishes of further empowerment, my allegiances of loyalty and assurances her priority are conveyed through general sense and my atmosphere. If two individuals who do not speak the same language would be able to discern if the other was happy or loved the other; surely it would translate through species too (I believe so).

Lychee doesn’t know she is destined as one of the great loves of my life; if all goes well we should be together for 15 to 20 years physically. I cannot bear to think of a day without my sweeter than sweet, my little Lychee.



P.S. She has indicated she is partial to fish and seafood.

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